Clearwater Pumps

Important information for water tank owners

1. Tank Cleanliness
Check the sludge level and internal cleanliness of your tank every 2 years or as required (this will vary depending quality of
water entering your tank).
2. Sediment Build Up
Over time it is more than likely that there will be some sediment in the tank due to surroundings and the environment, the
design of the JoJo tank takes that into consideration and its water fitting (outlet) is placed a few centimeters from the bottom
of the tank. The tank can be emptied and cleaned to help prevent/maintain this.
3. Tank Lid
Check that the lid of the tank remains firmly clipped in place
4. Fittings & Connections
Generally check all fittings and pipework connections at least every 3 months for leaks and signs of damage.
5. Pump Cover
If an externally mounted pressure pump is installed, it is advised to get a cover to protect it from all weather conditions.
6. Pump Efficiency
Check to see if the pressure pump is switching on and off intermittently for no reason. Do this on a monthly basis. (You will hear
the pump switching on and off). This may indicate a small water leak and can be easily remedied by tightening or replacing
7. Filters
If any filters are installed before or after the pressure pump and/ or water tank then please ensure they are cleaned and/or
replaced as per the installer and manufacturer recommendations.
8. Mosquitoes
Remove mosquito larvae from inside the tank when detected. The most effective method is adding a desert spoon of paraffin to
the top of the water (paraffin is lighter than water thus floating and not affecting the quality or taste of the water). Alternatively
drain the tank and do a thorough clean out. This can be prevented by installing a mozzie block to ensure that the overflow is
mosquito proof.
9. Water Treatment
Please remember that untreated water is unsafe to drink. If the correct filters are in place, and the maintenance regime is
followed correctly, the water should be safe to drink. If there is no water filtration system in place and there is an urgent need to
drink this water, it is recommended to boil the water and keep it at a rolling boil for at least a minute before drinking.